• 1 posts
    June 29, 2022 2:18 PM PDT

    Anyone know what happened, this site is down and has been for over a week ... It was being worked on, I think. Is it coming back up? Anyone know? Thanks

    • 1 posts
    June 30, 2022 1:54 PM PDT

    I noticed the same thing on my end. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to it. Quite disappointing. : (

    • 12 posts
    June 30, 2022 6:50 PM PDT

    Actually for some of us, it has been down for over two weeks. None of the contact the site info works or has worked for me since prior to June 16. If they haven't found out what the issue(s) is and able to fix it by now I doubt anything will change. They said they had issues with their software program and now it appears Server issues too, but other than the software issue(s) and speculation on the server issue or issues, I have no clue what the problem is and if or when the site would possibly be back in operation again.

    • 30 posts
    July 2, 2022 9:43 AM PDT

    I read on Reddit that the one owner was terminally ill and may have died. (I remember the illness.)

     Several members (including me) offered to become moderators when they had difficulty over a year ago. I remember that there were funding problems and difficulty with keeping the technical part working.   I was under the impression that the initial owner died and the woman who was running it inherited it. I think her name was child of light, but I'm not sure.

    I was under the impression that the initial owner died and the woman who was running it inherited it. I think her name was child of light, but I'm not sure.

    I finally left because it had degenerated into What I consider to be an unacceptable level of angry exchanges and people pretending to be someone they were not. It became infested with trolls. I finally decided I couldn't make a contribution there.

    All of that is very unfortunate because I think it started out to be a great place.  I saw many people who were starting to dip their toe into spanking and couldn't relish the thought of joining Fet there and they sometimes became comfortable with themselves. It appeared that they even found partners which is unusual  

     I formed online friendships with several people, one of whom was frequently the top poster and helped keep things going in the right direction. She rather abruptly quit. I know that all things come to an end and I wasn't active anymore but hate to see it go. Maybe one of the other people will bring it back.

    • 10 posts
    July 2, 2022 5:29 PM PDT

    John, Child of Light was/is(?) indeed the site owner.  She bought when the guy that started it (Spankmeal) sold it to someone else, I don't remember the exact details, and they basically ruined the chat room and weren't planning to fix it.  CoL stepped in and bought it from them.  She did have serious medical issues, but I don't have specifics. I believe she had been mostly absent the last year or so due to her illness. 

    In my opinion the site suffered from a serious lack of moderation which resulted in groups attacking others that held differing opinions.  Gradually members left one by one until what was left was a group of judgemental regulars who would often jump to conclusions and attack new members without taking time to be sure what it was the new members were trying to convey.  It's a shame the site went down the way it had because when I signed up there in 2015 t was a welcoming site with a wealth of information for people that were curious about spanking.

    If you don't mind would you link to the reddit page you referenced?

    This post was edited by freebieGB at July 2, 2022 7:05 PM PDT
    • 10 posts
    July 3, 2022 5:24 AM PDT

    Thanks for the tip PantyhosePaddler. I managed to find a couple mentions of spankingneeds but nothing current.  My guess is that the owner couldn't keep the site going and had finally had enough. But that's just blatant conspiracy on my part based on what I had seen happening there over the past couple of years. I don't suppose it matters either way but it's a shame really, it was such a good site at one time.

    • 3 posts
    July 3, 2022 1:32 PM PDT

    Be careful who you listen to. The last site owner is very much alive and no-one inherited the site- COL bought it off him. She didn't want a bunch of narcissists moderating and some got upset about that. These people were very rude and unwelcoming to newcomers- " go to Fetlife." They joined the site with the sole intention to make it how they wanted it to be and were extremely judgmental of people who didn't fit into what they wanted. She wanted the site to be inclusive to everyone. I have no idea if the site will be back and wish she'd just ban the narcissists who ruined it- luckily they had tantrums and have left for now but I have no doubt they will be back to cause more trouble. And you can't spread unconfirmed rumours that COL is dead- people need to get facts before making ludicrous accusations!

    • 7 posts
    July 3, 2022 6:56 PM PDT

    I am a moderator at SN and spoke to the site owner today.

    The site is changing servers and both CoL and the co-owner who handles the technical side have also had life issues interfering.  But no one is dead or dying and the site will be getting back online in the near future.

    Girl4daddy is correct - CoL's intent is for the site to be a friendly and supportive place.  We have done our best to discourage the judgmental behavior but the establishment of a new culture there is still a work in progress.  

    Moderators are chosen - its not a volunteer position.  For exactly the reasons cited by Girl4daddy - pre CoL some of the mods basically went rogue and began imposing their own head trips on the site (you weren't even supposed to mention drinking a beer, for example).  These mods were stripped of their power and eventually stomped off, declaring that the site would of course fail in their absence.  A few who preferred the old regime, or were buddies with the old mods, also stomped off vowing to never darken SN's doors again.  Some others stomped off because they didn't like the changes that were made to the rules, allowing topics or content that they didn't approve of.  Membership overall went up, however.

    SN is not perfect. Ongoing technical problems have been a pain in the ass.  It's hard for just two people who also have lives to try to deal with them.  We have only so many mods and, as explained, they are chosen with some care - for a reason.  I know I've had to take shit for not policing every single post or chatroom conversation that offends someone; for pointing out that a conversation, while not to everyone's taste, is not a violation of site rules; for not taking a given individual's side in an argument and for failing to enforce a site policy that doesn't actually exist but someone thinks should exist.  

    So, because it is only the two right now handling technical stuff, the site is periodically plagued with technical issues.  And because us mods are mere mortals, we do get trolls, pretenders, assholes and outright nutjobs from time to time.  And we do our best to weed them out.  But some get through.  Surprise.  Of course you'll find such people in every internet community.  You should have seen the loonies I had to deal with years ago on a Bob Dylan usenet group.

    On the other hand, SN also has a fairly large community, IS inclusive by policy, and doesn't periodically shut itself down while demanding donations or paid memberships, or offer misleading membership terms.  




    • 1 posts
    July 4, 2022 8:04 AM PDT

    She is definitely not dead, I spoke with her recently. The site is getting upgraded and that is why it's down. 

    • 23 posts
    July 4, 2022 11:27 AM PDT

    Thanks much, everyone, for the information. Especially, thanks Drooaygah for all the helpful information and insights.

    I've always thought that Spanking Needs was the best spanking website. I'm cheering for its return. I haven't been able to log in for at least 3 weeks. So, it's good to know that hopefully it'll return.

    Cheers and greetings to all Spanking Needs fans--i look forward to seeing and interacting with you again!

    • 7 posts
    July 4, 2022 11:57 AM PDT

    Child of Light has put up a reddit for site information:




    • 12 posts
    July 4, 2022 12:00 PM PDT

    I joined there in maybe 2010 and found it to be a great place. Left about 6 years later after I had an exclusive ee., and found a lot of snark had taken over. Was a great place to learn the ropes, so to speak.

    • 24 posts
    July 4, 2022 1:33 PM PDT
    Rick said:

    I joined there in maybe 2010 and found it to be a great place. Left about 6 years later after I had an exclusive ee., and found a lot of snark had taken over. Was a great place to learn the ropes, so to speak.

    I had heard similar things, many have said seemed as if there was a lot of my way is the only way, and if you disagree well let’s just  say your wrong.

    This post was edited by Makeem red at July 4, 2022 3:53 PM PDT
    • 23 posts
    July 4, 2022 3:10 PM PDT

    Can't get to the Reddit site without an account, and not excited about having the app on my phone or starting an account.

    Can someone please copy and paste CoL's comments here?

    Also, please let CoL know we miss her, we send her our best wishes, we appreciate her, and much more!


    • 10 posts
    July 4, 2022 5:02 PM PDT

    ammon, if you select the desktop site instead of mobile you can view the site without downloading anything.  Here is the text:

    "Hello everyone, this is the admin for the adult spanking site - the site will be up in the next coming days. The extra downtime has been sorting out our host. I have heard some really wild rumors and want to rest assure you that non of them are true. Neither of the admins are dead, we have not given up on the website and can't wait to see you chatting again!"


    This post was edited by freebieGB at July 4, 2022 5:04 PM PDT
    • 23 posts
    July 4, 2022 5:12 PM PDT

    Thanks much. Mr Freebie GB, sir!



    • 3 posts
    July 5, 2022 5:20 AM PDT
    Makeem red said:
    Rick said:

    I joined there in maybe 2010 and found it to be a great place. Left about 6 years later after I had an exclusive ee., and found a lot of snark had taken over. Was a great place to learn the ropes, so to speak.

    I had heard similar things, many have said seemed as if there was a lot of my way is the only way, and if you disagree well let’s just  say your wrong.

    Yeah, that was my issue too. Certain members took over the site and it became their way and other people's ways were wrong. Nothing was being done to stop it so I left too.


    • 24 posts
    July 5, 2022 2:11 PM PDT
    Girl4daddy said:
    Makeem red said:
    Rick said:

    I joined there in maybe 2010 and found it to be a great place. Left about 6 years later after I had an exclusive ee., and found a lot of snark had taken over. Was a great place to learn the ropes, so to speak.

    I had heard similar things, many have said seemed as if there was a lot of my way is the only way, and if you disagree well let’s just  say your wrong.

    Yeah, that was my issue too. Certain members took over the site and it became their way and other people's ways were wrong. Nothing was being done to stop it so I left too.


    I had never joined just heard in passing from some associates I have that had been on there.

    • 3 posts
    July 7, 2022 9:09 PM PDT

    The sub-reddit for SN was banned for some reason even tho there is BDSM reddit pages. SpankingNeeds is back up and running. We want to make it a better community, and want to hear everyones voices. This is also a pretty cool website here! But as I said in the copy/ paste of the reddit post. The rumors are greatly exaggerated. I am not dead, the co-owner isn't dead, if either one of us died, we aren't going to shut the site down. I love SN and even though there is A LOT of work that needs to be done to make it a better site, I have not given up on the community, because I met a lot of great folks there. Also, thank you for the people who stated not to spread rumors! They can be hurtful especially if the person is struggling with health issues. 

    This post was edited by ChildOfLight at July 7, 2022 11:14 PM PDT
    • 10 posts
    July 8, 2022 9:34 AM PDT

    Spreading rumors of any type, such as someone's marriage breaking up, dying of Covid, kids not being their's, etc, can be hurtful.  Hopefully SN can remain rumor free and welcoming to newbies for years to come. 

    • 3 posts
    July 8, 2022 9:44 AM PDT
    freebieGB said:

    Spreading rumors of any type, such as someone's marriage breaking up, dying of Covid, kids not being their's, etc, can be hurtful.  Hopefully SN can remain rumor free and welcoming to newbies for years to come. 

    100% agreed! I tried sending you a PM to clear a few things up, if you would accept my request. 

    edit: sent you an email. 

    This post was edited by ChildOfLight at July 8, 2022 10:27 AM PDT
    • 24 posts
    July 8, 2022 1:56 PM PDT
    ChildOfLight said:
    freebieGB said:

    Spreading rumors of any type, such as someone's marriage breaking up, dying of Covid, kids not being their's, etc, can be hurtful.  Hopefully SN can remain rumor free and welcoming to newbies for years to come. 

    100% agreed! I tried sending you a PM to clear a few things up, if you would accept my request. 

    edit: sent you an email. 

    Agreed while the rumor mill may think it’s no big deal there are often unintended consequences from people spreading rumors .



    • 10 posts
    July 23, 2022 6:29 PM PDT

    I couldn't agree more.  Although sometimes the rumor mill can be a good a thing because it can show you who your true friends are and who can't be trusted at all.

    This post was edited by freebieGB at July 23, 2022 6:37 PM PDT
    • 61 posts
    October 25, 2022 6:37 AM PDT

    Anyone else having trouble logging into spankingneeds? I keep getting an “oops something went wrong” message.

    This post was edited by Larry at October 25, 2022 6:38 AM PDT
    • 53 posts
    September 13, 2023 5:00 AM PDT

    It seems to be a very temperamental site. Plus anyone can make an accusation about you, and they boot you from the site. I talked with a female that was kind of flaky, finally admitting she was married. Now I’ve met with and helped married women before. But I did explain to her the pros and coms and asked if getting this was worth losing everything she had as she wasn’t telling her husband. She got upset and the next thing you know I was barred. I wasn’t given a reason or allowed to respond to it. 
    Also like most sites now, women (if women) just want to email or text some, no talking or ever meeting. They can do this on their own, you hear from those wanting money for it. We need a real good site