Looking for ideas for video content that this communtiy wants

  • July 26, 2014 11:46 AM PDT

    I'm personally thinking to do a video series that covers the stuggles of new people getting into spanking as a young adult.

    I'd give helpful tips and advice on how to deal with emotions that people often think about when they realize that they like spanking as an adult. I'd also help others understand how to cope with stuggles of when spanking could be considered acts of taboo or a sinful thing to do in moral sense.

    I think this community needs videos pretaining to the things that might be too much to ask themselves or others around them. I understand that where I live that spanking is an embarrasing thing to admit and you're at the mercy of the people you tell it to.

    I'm accepting any ideas for other videos I might be able to create in the future.